Blue is a popular color due to it's versatility, and changeability. It can be bright, sedated, classic, modern, or trendy. It's both liked and disliked by designers, being a cool color, it can actually cool down the room, and if not properly used it can be quite unflattering to the complexion.

Chinese blue and white pottery was a craze in Europe, cobalt blue which was an expensive color to obtain was used to decorate this beautiful pottery, still very fashionable and widely admired

I love the Robin's egg blue tile on the back splash, it helps keep things cool in a hot kitchen

Ice Blue, fresh and youthful and appropriate to this season of cold weather
{ image 1 Horchow., 1image 2&3 Suzanne Kasler, image4 Elle Decor ,}I like blue. How about you?
Firoozeh Khorrami